East Durham Guitars was established in 2023 by Martin Dixon and Dave Olsen
Martin has over 30 years experience as a master luthier and has also lectured in guitar building and repair to HND level.
Dave is a Luthier who has a passion for guitars , guitar making and also spraying
Ricky is one of our luthiers , who runs our machine shop and all things technical
Mark is our HR, sales and marketing manager
The aim was to take an existing company, Luthier Crafts, and combine it with aspects of Martin’s business, MD Guitars, to offer a number of services under one roof.
Our services include:
Custom built guitars
Guitar bodies/necks and parts
Luthier timbers and supplies
Guitar building and maintenance courses
On-site shop and workshop services/hire
We are in the process of adding our own guitar range and we’ll keep you posted on any new developments. We see ourselves as a one-stop shop for all things guitar related in the North East. Our service is prompt, professional
and friendly so contact us or call in to find out more!